What Are The Qualities Of Leadership?

What are the qualities of leadership?  Does a political party that has become anti-senior, anti-child, anti-worker, anti-science, anti-education, and actively history revising with complete contempt for all but 1% of America’s population, that hate government, deserve to be in a position of leadership?  John Boener and Mitch McConnell insist they are doing what is best for America.  Attending to 1% of the population is not a balanced approach to solving America’s problems.  Loyal Republicans have enabled Extremists to lead us into a war of choice, dangerous deregulation, the Bush recession, procedural philibuststers and slander orgies when Democrats worked at making substantial changes to help Americans get the health care they pay for.  This nonsense continues. One day Boener brags that he got 98% of what     he wanted, yet after S&P downgraded the U.S. credit, essentially for his party’s conduct, he wants to cut more of the safety net.  DON’T WAKE UP THOSE BILLIONAIRES WHEN THEY ARE SLEEPING!  They’re so cute!  At what point do loyal Republicans look at their party’s conduct, see that the president’s debt reduction proposal was twice the size albeit involved taking away deductions from the wealthy that the rest of America don’t come close to enjoying, and put their nation before their party?  Managing our Nation’s deficit has never been a Republican priority.  Clinton picked up the tab for Reagan and Bush 1.   If you desperately needed heart surgery would you put your trust in the learned surgeons at the Mayo Clinic or have the “Trailer Park Boys” cut you open for a quart of Jagermeister because they can yell louder than the Mayo surgeons?  As The Old Sheep Herder reviews the Cake Eaters Wish List, or as they like to call it in D.C., the tax code, 35% of corporations pay no income taxes.  Will the oil companies turn to goat farming if they lose their six billion dollar tax refund?  It’s a double whammy at the pump paying out the additional forty cents a gallon the rigged hedge fund casino game adds forty cents a gallon to the cost of gas.  Those folks pay 15% on the money they steal from us.  Their secretaries, of course pay 30%.  If socialism is bad economic policy, why are taxpayers shelling out billions in tax rebates to the oil companies?  It is because of the Tea Party whose core belief is socialism for the wealthy.  They believe civilization exists to service the wealthy.  The most profitable business enterprise on the planet does not need socialized taxpayer tax refunds.