Old Selfish Money

How do you tell the difference between a wealthy person who has accumulated wealth through hard work perseverance and creativeness and a cake eater who inherited wealth?  A CAEIW (pronounced cow) hasn’t the faintest grasp of the nuances of business but knows their inherited wealth came from business activity.  Their self-perception is that since they are wealthy they must be successful businessmen.  People that earn their own wealth don’t quickly and easily self-define themselves.  They have to do a lot of things to be successful.  Their adaptability is more akin to the working class world view.  Paying our Nation’s bills is beneath a CAEIW’s dignity.  CAEIWs looked scornfully at the bill we owed China during the debt limit fiasco and had their Tea Party mouth pieces scream, “Let them eat rice!” and “We will only pay them the interest!”  Everyone understood the devastating self- inflicted wound the extremists intended to inflict on our Nation unless they continued to extort more money from the public coffers in the deal.  Can you imagine Bill Gates only paying the interest on the light bill when he was building the Micro-Soft Empire?  Normal working people pay unreasonable bills every day.  The hedge fund business inflates gas by as much as 40 cents a gallon.  That trade group receives pep talks from Extremist pin-up boy Eric Cantor assuring them his party will help them.  Unethical politicians tax these guys at 15%.  These same politicians say it is unthinkable to tax these people more as they are job creators.  The Old Sheep Herder is wondering if the jobs they are talking about are in the growing soup kitchen and food shelf business that serves the folks Republicans have driven into abject poverty.