Household Nation?

Running our nation like a household?  The simple minded Tea Party loyalists love this one.  When you really think about households run, how many times did you go across town, depose a head of household you felt threatened you, that caused that neighborhood to erupt into violence so you had to stay there indefinitely while your kids went without.  I’m 56 and close to owning my homestead with a quarter mile driveway.  But like every reactionary anti-tax Tea Party Activist, I am completely dependent on my township, county, state, and Federal Governments for the maintenance and upkeep of the roads I drive on to work and shop.  These government entities sell bonds and borrow money on taxes due them to hire the people and do the work on the roads and bridges we all benefit from.  How many households do you know of who have their own personal road forged to work and each of the stores they patronize?  Maybe they use those convenient tax payer funded and maintained roads like I do despite their rhetoric.  Taxes buy civilization.  Run our nation like a household?  While I’d like more guns, I just can’t afford it now.  I’ve got a 22 bolt action rife and a pellet rifle. Is that really how the Tea Party wants its beloved Department of Defense prioritized?  You get your air craft carrier after the Old Sheepherder pays off his trucks new transmission. I DON’T WANT MY DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE PRIORITIZED THAT WAY.   Infrastructure of a nation and the upkeep of a house are parallel responsibilities.  The greatest generation built us a freeway system and bridges and airports.  As the time comes to repair these legacies, the Tea Party responds like the old Soviet Union Politburo.  Nyet!  What kind of fool would run their house that way?  When the time comes to re-shingle your home, would you just ignore it indefinitely like a Tea Party genius?  Let the rain seep in and mold the insulation, rot the wood, collapse the ceiling, and destroy the contents of your house.  Then it would be time to variously blame your self-inflicted wounds on Muslims, immigrants, gays, and liberals.  Perhaps it would be wiser to borrow money to have the house shingled. Debt is not always a bad thing.  Debt can prevent a catastrophe.  Run our nation like a household?  Get rid of that postal system that doesn’t cost taxpayers one red cent.  Without a postal service Tea Party loyalists could have their brilliant children deliver it in their family car rather than spend 44 cents on a stamp.  Heck, gas is cheap now that Iraq is a democracy!  It is a fool’s proposition to run our great nation like a household.  The complex demands of a diverse people in a vast country is more complex than any Tea Party sloganeering  would mislead you to believe.  After the aptly named “Satan’s Sandwich” legislation that raised the debt limit, the senior troll and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said, “Democracy just doesn’t work.”  He was referring to reaching solutions on debt reduction.  Apparently he suddenly forgot that all the extremists have pledged their allegiance to selfish wealthy people who he represented well by refusing to raise their taxes.  Having people in a leadership position who subvert then say they don’t believe in democracy is shameful.  That was apparent by their hostage taking political strategy in the debt ceiling crisis.   Republicans hate government.  You would never send your children to a daycare center ran by the infamous child rapist and murderer John Wayne Gacy.  For that same reason, you should never vote Republican.