The Dynamics of the Tea Party Movement

The Tea Party is an extremist movement, which is a  malevolent beast with six seemingly disparate heads. It's foundation are caustic and inflammatory and inaccurate broadcasters.  Limbaugh is on the radio.  You have FOX news.  Wealthy business interests sponsor this garbage and support its goals.  Bigoted and unethical clergy harmonize their contempt.  "Family value politicians" who don't value family, city, state, or country lead the dissent in the sewer.  If you petition the courts to not be a part of this madness, extremist judges may set  aside the law in order to exercise their extremist agenda.  The last head is the bullied and confused middle class who are afraid to vote for their own interests.  It is little wonder that when the extremist politicians go over the air waves to protect their selfish, wealthy constituents from contributing to society in a proportion they benefit from it, their reasons all reveal themselves as ridiculous lies.  Recently we heard them say we only need to pay the interest on our debts.  We don't need to raise the debt ceiling.  This is an impressive argument to people who make minimum payments on credit card bills but made international bankers anxious and bewildered.  Why would a wealthy nation just decide to stop paying its bill?  The malevolent beast of extremism led our country to the brink in the fall of 2008.  Given a second chance at power at mid-term elections of 2010, they dutifully steered America directly back into the ditch.