Republicans are terrified for America (themselves) and see 2014 as a stepping stone to groom their awesome stable of candidates for President to read better and not be as personally repulsive as Mitt Romney was.  It is just unacceptable to them that a woman, Hillary Clinton, should be elected after Barrack Obama (who is 1/2 African American).  Republicans are fairly certain Negroes and Women are not really Americans.  And besides...Benghazi!  Republicans are so bent "to get to the bottom" of Benghazi, they publicly demand e-mails they are already in possession of. It could go back to their literacy problems.  Maybe its just a cry out for a Democrat to read them for them.  In 1995 Right wing fervor burned bright and was completely out of control.  An extended witch hunt by Ken Starr was attempting to overturn the election of Bill Clinton was underway.  To Republicans nothing was out of bounds.  They allied themselves with the most radical militant groups in the country to unseat the President.  Then Oklahoma City happened.  McVeigh perpetrated his mass murder because he felt personally wronged by the events at Ruby Ridge and decided to extract his pound of flesh from the government by murdering employees at the Social Security office and their children at the day care.  The most astonishing fact of this boiling resentment is the leadership of the Right Wing applauds the heavy handed police tactics used at Ruby Ridge that causes all this boiling resentment when it is used against people of color or another religion.  You’ll never hear anybody say, “Boy those Right Wing guys sure have a lot of brains.”  The Right Wing is populated with people that pay homage to the Constitution by violating it and lobbying for laws contrary to basic Constitutional principles.  Conservatives took no responsibility to dial back their caustic rhetoric in an effort to not incite the unstable.  In fact Conservatives have significantly INCREASED INFLAMMATORY AND INCITEFUL RHETORIC.  President Clinton handled the tragedy like the true statesman he is.  Republicans maintained and fostered their dark alliances.  The Boston Marathon was dedicated to the victims of the Newton massacre.  The Right Wing has come to revile the victims as pawns in the gun safety debate. The Right Wing identifies with Boston and the Founding Fathers throwing off the shackles of tyranny.  Hearing the rumblings that a mere 10% of Americans support this extremism, and having lost the last election decisively, the extremist can only preach fear and filibuster.  What cowards.  Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Mississippi voted on gun control with the Democrats and received a poison ricin letter in the mail.  Senator Carl Levin D-Michigan received a poison ricin letter in his field office.  The President received a ricin letter.  In order to maintain our sense of objectivity should we gather up some Saudi and Al Qaeda suspects?  The attempted poisonings with ricin have Right Wing fingerprints all over them.  The Boston bombing has been impeded by NRA obstruction of putting a simple marker in black powder, making its origin traceable when it is used in bombs like Boston.  The entire Republican Party and its most visible politicians, commentators, media outlets, and organizations have been organized FOR THE LAST 15 YEARS in a manner that produces VIOLENT LONE WOLF DOMESTIC TERRORISTS.  The calls for second amendment solutions, assassination, secession, and street violence are so common with Republican politicians and on right wing media that the nation has become numb to this violent talk and threats.  These kinds of threats and actions are not Free Speech.  These are acts of sedition.  They are the actions of an insurgent movement bent on destabilizing our economy, our security, and our common welfare.  If Conservatives truly cared for the futures of children, they would consider the consequences of their harsh treatment of Gay Parents and how that harsh treatment affects their children.  Holding a Bible in one hand doesn't give one God like prerogatives to mistreat people.  The same political constituency righteously sited their rights to own slaves in the Bible.  Corporations employ these zealots for their purposes by feeding them cash.  The complete absence of any review or reflection on their hate filled position is shocking.  When all else fails it’s time to pound the impeachment drum to deny Americans of their elected government.  Their world view won't change but they will feel even more threatened after their prejudice is no longer codified in law.  We see Conservative Legislatures attempting to establish State Religion.  We see them establishing “personhood” amendments for clusters of cells while eliminating food, housing, and medical welfare for living children.  We see them openly and repeatedly disputing that rape is even traumatic or serious criminal offense.  We see them celebrating guns in the aftermath of 26 people being blown to pieces by a madman that they are opposed to putting through a background check.  We see the GOP base accepting a twisted version of reality without ever questioning it or checking out its authenticity.  I'm hoping an amendment is offered during the second go around with the gun safety debate placing heavy sanctions on the level of a trillion dollars, for every mental health incitement, frivolous and unfounded call to arms, slanderous and false statements to advance political agendas, and assassination incitement. Canada prohibits the broadcast of "news" which is mostly false.  Each of us will have different interests.  It's important to respect each other’s rights, negotiate in good faith and by reaching political compromise, some of our interests are met and we all can enjoy some progress.  If you poison the well by refusing to compromise, by refusing to talk, by refusing to negotiate in good faith then girder these unreasonable positions by seeking to aggressively limit other citizens’ rights, you aren't a participant in Democracy, you're an insurgent.  The underpinning of contemporary Conservationism is Fascism. Conservatives define their rights and freedoms as the right to oppress and steal other’s liberty as they chose. I just don't see that in the Constitution. What Conservatives want is a western version of Somalia.  Congratulations to Georgia Governor Nathan Deal for refusing to surrender during the Civil War. It's 2013 and Republicans still regard kids having a racially integrated prom in the old hateful context of "race mixing" and call it a Leftist idea. It is a Ku Klux Klan idea that the prom was still segregated. You know...the guys that lynch African Americans for having eye contact with them and for not stepping off the side walk when their White superiors pass. Each member of the school board, the superintendent, and every state official should be sued personally out of their personnel pockets not public funds for perpetuating this bull shit. When the government entity is sued, the taxpayers pay and it’s no skin off the bigot’s ass. They should be held personally accountable.  Compulsive liar and budding megalomaniac, Rand Paul spoke at Howard University, an African American University, and condescended to the students in a way that only a hack deluded hillbilly chiropractic optometrist could. He asked the students if they were aware that Republicans were the anti-slavery party. Emphasis on WERE. It seems the penile penetration/ejaculation argument that is central to defining marriage took a shit when Justice Kagan asked attorneys if it was within the parameters of the rights of the state to deny marriage licenses to couples over 55 as they will not produce children. The lawyer evaded the direct question claiming instead the couple was fertile. It had to be explained to him that couples over 55 produce no children. The courtroom erupted in laughter. Even Scalia laughed at him. What is it about the birds and bees and these yahoos?  Sadly, it has come to my attention that just like the Post Office, The Pentagon ran a deficit last year. The proportion of that deficit ran up by the Post Office pales in comparison to the deficit ran up by the Pentagon making it an urgent mandate that we de-fund the Pentagon. Next up...requiring Wall Street to capitalize the annual bloated salaries of their CEO's for the next 75 years at the nearest credit union.  We are now in a prolonged skewered era of our tax system where poor and middle class people pay direct supports to a minority of wealthy people and corporations as they plunder our shared resources and ship jobs overseas to Communist countries and Third World Countries paying slave labor wages. At every attempt to reform this corruption, Republicans obstruct and even lobby to enhance this newer form of slavery. Private profits and shared risks are the guiding principles of the GOP.  One thing is for sure. People don't seem to be getting a lot smarter. When I hear people lionize Reagan, I just shake my head. If "Morning in America" is paying 18% on bank loans and 22% on credit card interest, you got a hell of a lot more disposable cash than I do. Through the Nixon/Ford (second term) stories of long bread lines and short supplies came out of the Soviet Union. These stories multiplied during the Carter administration compounded by the USSR's invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. As the USSR failed to provide domestically, their Imperial designs crumbled, spelling the end of the USSR. I call him "Right Time, Right Place Ronnie." Republicans claim he defeated the greatest communist empire on the planet. I gotta take exception to that claim. His party invested in the greatest communist empire on the planet. Ask Mitt.  The unelected corporate interests that control the Republican Party have no interest in the civil wellbeing of our nation.  Their one and only interest is profit.  They distort and manipulate every issue through that perspective.  TheOldSheepHerder has a suggestion for lobbying the cowards in Washington.  Ask them if they are going to stand with the American people or the home grown terrorists like the Boston bombers, the ricin mailer, the gun manufacturers, or other American insurgents.  Remember that these mounting numbers of acts of domestic terrorism are going to be great for automatic weapons sales and big clips.