Do you ever get the impression that defecating on the American Apple pie is the Republican strategy and platform?  The GOP leadership has admitted there is no debt crisis yet continues their war on the citizens of this country.  We have paid our tribute to the wealthy now it is time they pay their fair share of taxes and relinquish their preferential treatment in the tax code.  I have a proposition that may seem a bit radical but I do wish that you would consider it.  Working people are being enslaved by corporations and the current tax structure. We the people support the rich with tax subsidies and tax write offs.  We want to move away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy but Conservative politicians have structured tax policy in such a way that we have little money to invest in alternative energy.  We want to preserve the environment but that ideal of rapidly expanding green energy crimps the Koch brothers’ accumulation of unusable wealth and our payments to them.  States gerrymandered districts have make it nearly impossible to vote in Democrats.  More people voted for Democratic candidates yet the GOP still holds the House in this rigged game.  The GOP even went to great lengths to suppress the Democratic vote.  We see the corporately sponsored and paid for Supreme Court Conservative Justices taking retaliatory action against the Democratic coalition of voters that said the wealthy should pay their fair share by ending the Voting Rights Act.  In these very urgent times, the best the Republican Party has been able to come up with is a strategy of disciplined stupidity, by letting the Sequester cuts take place and filibustering last minute Democratic solutions.  They are after all, the paid obstructionists of Wall Street and the Extremists.  The Progressive Caucus can make a gesture which by its very name change will articulate the positions of the Progressive Caucus and define the opposition to these changes for what they are.  I suggest that the Progressive Caucus change their name to the “Progressive Abolition Caucus”, standing against corporate enslavement in the tax code, in the environment, at the voting booth, in the clinic, in the work place, in our schools, and every other place corporations have usurped human priorities in the interest of accumulating unusable wealth.  The Confederatization of politics must be beaten and shamed so no fantasy of the South Rising Again can be sold to home grown insurgents who would and have torn our country apart.  Insurgency, Secession, and the dismantling of social safety net programs and support of the decay of infrastructure in deference to making our subsidy payments to millionaires, billionaires, and highly profitable large corporations can’t be mistaken for politics as usual but defined as the crippling national economic enslavement that it is.  Its way past time we articulate our message in an “us against them manner.”  It’s taken 16 years for the idea to get out there that supply side economics doesn’t work.  A simple message is a more effective message.  Having a pointed message which is repeated every time you speak to the American people and is reflected in the name of your Caucus’ name would go a long way to adding clarity to what can be confusing for voters to grasp.  Corporate enslavement isn’t working out for America.  It’s corrosive to our laws and institutions and is the primary corrupting influence in our government.  If citizens that fear public transit and drive a car as a result can’t write off that expense as a “security” measure, corporations should not be able to write off jets for security purposes.  America is NOT a catered luncheon.  Waiting the Republicans out is not good enough.  We need a national coordinated effort to say the Democrats will no longer tolerate corporate enslavement of their constituents.  For every tax loop hole banks, corporations, and Wall Street enjoys, the Democrats need to counter with a mirrored tax break for poor and working people.  Grover’s gang will oppose these and this will expose them further to their constituents.  Instead of showing Norquist opposes tax cuts for working people a couple times, the point could be driven home for 2014.  If it’s not good for the goose it’s not good for the gander.  The GOP assaults the public with shocking proposals and calls them necessary and patriotic.  Democrats need to do more than just simply counter this nonsense and brain washing of the public.  We need to wage an all-out assault.  Nobody can afford to be a dignified man in a suit from Washington.  In America, those men do not exist.  If you are not marching behind the likes of Elizabeth Warren, announce your retirement.  We need leadership from the Progressive Caucus with a short message, that people are rallying around, have staying power, are truthful, represent our values, and can serve as a legislative foundation.  With his flaccid leadership on filibuster reform and near desertion on gun safety legislation, Harry Reid has shown he is tailored to lead the Blue Dog Caucus not Senate Majority Leader.  The President needs to stop fretting about getting “his homework done” and stop offering up things like chained CPI.  That’s like telling Granny she can get a new wheel chair…right after you amputate her legs.  CONFRONT THE REAL PROBLEMS AMERICA FACES, NOT THE RED HERRINGS THE GOP THROWS OUT IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE!!!