The OldSheepHerder longs for the days when spies were more like Humphrey Bogart’s character of Sam Spade in the movie The Maltese Falcon than David Bowie in Labyrinth.  Metrosexual spies have had a bad run lately.  Take Julian Assange.  The Mastermind of Wikileaks, a tell all publication of spy gossip and classified information is holed up in an embassy because two women charge that things got out of control and Mr. Assange became nasty when it was just their intention of having sex with a worldwide hero.  These two gals should have talked to sweet little Bradley Manning, finally getting a trial after rotting in jail a couple of years.  Manning fell under Assange’s spell, delivering a cache of classified documents that could choke several herds of horses.  Julian set about publishing the classified information, exposing Manning, while being hailed as a hero for all his Xerox work and no risk.  Those two fame seeking Swedish gals should have taken stock of Manning’s situation before hoping in the sack with Assange.  That’s still no excuse for rape.  While feeding his lust for fame and adoration, Julian Assange hung Bradley Manning out to dry.  Hmmm?  Would you go to “war” with a guy who greets you, after you’ve taken out a machine gun nest, by shaking your hand and dropping a grenade in your pocket?  Manning got the grenade and some pity while Assange got ill earned fame and glory.  The latest boy to have come under Assange’s spell is Edward Snowden.  He’s announced that his sole purpose in seeking employment as an NSA subcontractor was to steal classified information.  This speaks volumes for the Republican model of “contracting out”, don’t you think?  America’s corporate media types are enamored with Snowden.  They may be getting a decent wage, yet as professionals most of them are just shills for corporations, presenting the news according to corporate standards and they know it.  Within their sad little circle, it seems as though they are clumsily trying to manufacture consent that Snowden’s actions are somehow heroic.  I think you can believe that the Patriot Act savaged the America we once knew and turned it into a quasi-Fascist state yet still understand Snowden is a self-aggrandizing idiot.  The only reason we have the Patriot Act is that Bush was a moron, his staff were morons, and most of the GOP Congress were morons.  Like today their focus was, “No Niggers, no vaginas, end Medicare, privatize Social Security, and no taxes.”  When they were warned REPEATEDLY OF THE TERRORIST CELLS AND BIN LADINS PLANS OF LEADING AL QUEDA TO STRIKE AT THE US WITH PLANES THEY WERE TOO STUPID TO RESPOND.  They just needed a few more tools to get it through their thick head that when the terrorists come calling it’s time to cancel that little vacation to Crawford, the brush can wait, and go Boston on their ass.  Facts meant as little to Republicans then as they do today.  Fearing Bush’s extreme limitations, which matched his administration and party, and wanting to protect our country the Democrats became a party to making the police state.  Bush and the Republicans are more of a threat to America than Al Qaeda ever was.  Good intentions muddled by fear result in horrific decisions.  The police state must be undone BUT NOT IN THE NAME OF SNOWDEN AND ASSANGE!!!  Our Grandchildren should laugh at a brief period of time when some virulent Fascists gave corporations the same rights as human beings while excusing them concurrent responsibilities.  The activist Supreme Court is dismantling voting rights.  Is it important to vote in America?  Not if you are Hispanic or African American.  How can anyone of conscious vote Republican?  As the demographics change, the Supreme Court makes it possible for racists to disqualify Hispanic and African American voters.  Long live Whitey!!!  Half of Americans live in poverty while paying tribute to oil companies for the last 100 year of American history.  Republican rhetoric about taxes just doesn’t mesh with reality.  You don’t hear that on the news do you?  Wealthy corporations simply pay no taxes.  Our tax system is so complicated because it is a long gift list written by corporate Congressmen so their sponsors don’t pay taxes.  Wealth not votes steers and determines policy.  Damn reason!  Damn the future!  Ignorance is knowledge.  Fetuses are people and babies are an unwanted burden on society.  You prevent pregnancy from rape with rape kits.  You gotta admit it…George Orwell was a punk!!!  But the OldSheepHerder has digressed.  I guess one more thing troubles me about Snowden.  Do you think Sam Spade would trade a life of confinement in some Ecuadorian embassy over a girlfriend that can hang upside-down on a stripper pole?