You know that manure encrusted pitchfork leaning against the sheep-pen? I hope we don't need that come the Fall of 2014!!! When Americans hit the street to change history, it looks like a swarm of humanity heading to church. WE SHALL OVERCOME AGAIN!!! The Republicans are cowards through and through. Not one of them had the courage to challenge Boehner for his Speaker position! As soon as the gavel came down, the knives came out, and members of the Republican Party have waged war on Boehner incessantly. They rage at him and threaten him like spoiled children demanding candy. They treat their Leader that they elected like they treat the American Woman, African Americans, Hispanics, or Veterans. Since Obama ran for office we have been subjected to a constant and escalating din of their slander and false witness against him. Their vile inner-family squabble has paralyzed all legislative progress on the Federal level. Of what possible use are Republican Representatives? Since the outset of the financial crisis, Republicans have obstructed reform and filibustered reform votes at every opportunity. The Republican House hasn't passed a single jobs bill and only passed 13 bills as the majority. Their disparate elements, The Fascist Corporatists, the Anti-American ignoramus insurgent Tea Party which is partially manipulated by the Corporatists, the Aynn Rand Libertarians, and the Religious Zealots. None of these groups have anything in common. They all have contempt for politics and most alarmingly, they hate each other as much as they hate Obama. THEY JUST DON'T HAVE THE GUTS TO LEAD. Like a cancer, the voters of California broke years of gridlock and went Blue. Now they're in the black. Voters in Minnesota followed suit and passed an honest budget with no landmines while paying back the schools money taken from them by Republicans. Democrats are the party of fiscal responsibility. Every statistic bears that out. My arthritis wanted to stay up last night so around 4:00 AM me and old Art watched the Hunger Games on Netflix. The movie told of a dystopian future where young people fought to the death to provide the wealthy with entertainment. They called it "the peace" because only the combatants were fighting. Before being forced to fight the kids lived in poverty with no chance at an education. Many elements of the story could be lifted from life today. Fans of war are cheering to send our kids to die in a war that's been going on for thousands of years. Their kids won't go. Their arms industry friends will sure prosper though. For thirty years I've heard Conservative politicians talk of how the best of America is behind us, blaming labor unions for runaway costs while taking salaries 2,000 times that of the working man. Faith is shaken and huckster ministers preach a twisted selfishness having no resemblance to the teachings in the New Testament. They attack our teachers who invest more in our children than anyone in the community except parents. I have news for Conservatives. War is not security, it is war. Education is not a waste of money unless it is spent on your ignorant mind. Teachers start work at 7:00AM and get off about 8:00PM and they have health insurance and retirement. When more folks belonged to Unions, folks who didn't earned more money. There is virtually no middle class anymore due to conservative policies and blunders. 50% of Americans live in poverty. The Hunger Games and Conservatives love of Aynn Rand values makes the more of a template than a fantasy. They are so harsh, they treat the Speaker like a child after it is born. They simply never had the capacity to govern. Golly, I wonder if all that Republican talk about the "Soviet Union" being our number one enemy over the last couple of years has created any suspicion in Russia of America in Russia complicating Obama's relationship with Russia. It all started out innocently enough. They were too lazy to get Bin Laden so they tried to convince the American people the "Soviet Union" was the real threat. Sometimes when you spew diarrhea from your mouth it has real world consequences. Americans can take an accurate measure of the depth of the Republican intellectual pool. Louie Gohmert says, "Mankind has existed for a pretty long time without anyone ever having to give a sex-ed lesson to anybody. And now we feel like, oh gosh, people are too stupid unless we force them to sit and listen to instructions. It's just incredible." He must have the dullest children in Texas or else he's a liar. Kids ask questions and they deserve an answer. Nobody forces kids to go to sex ed. Every kid that goes must have a permission slip. Republicans fear education and wish to limit the spread of informed voters. BREAKING NEWS...THERE WERE MORE STUPID REPUBLICANS IN TEXAS THAN ORIGINALLY ESTIMATED. A State Senator claiming to be a Dr. claims, pregnancy only occurs after “accurate intercourse”. Does this mean dyslexic people can't reproduce or that there is no such thing as sloppy sex? State Rep. Jodie Laubenberg claimed “In the emergency room they have what’s called rape kits where a woman can get cleaned out." She was asked to clarify and she did. She explained her misunderstanding that a rape kit is for getting the goo out and not collecting evidence therefore abortions should never be needed. That begs the question, "Is a heart valve the faucet you turn to get a transfusion? Common Conservatives on the Court? HELL NO!!! The law passed Congress with only about 35 nays. Remember all the bitching Republicans did about "activist" courts when they simply interpreted the law. That's what you call a Freudian slip. When killing 4,500 Americans in a war of choice and trashing the economy just isn't quit enough to show how little you care for America you take away their voting rights and allow the Klan to run the elections and decide who votes. Texas immediately announced voter ID plans which were struck down last year. You have to show your gun, your cowboy hat, a picture of your horse, your birth certificate, answer a simple random "civics" quiz about Rev. Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, or George W. Bush, and show your white skin. Today, more than any other day, it is important for the survival of our Democracy to dedicate our hearts and passion in honor of Representative John Lewis. He has taken the beatings and nearly died...many of his close friends did die to ensure voting rights. This June marks the anniversery of their death at the hand of the Klan. He has offered forgiveness to those that have beat him. Today, dedicate yourself to restoring the Dream. First Congress must re-enact this Law then go forward with a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to vote. The time for tact with old friends has passed. Voting GOP is destroying our way of life and our rights. The activist Supreme Court is dismantling voting rights. Is it important to vote in America? Not if you are Hispanic or African American. How can anyone of conscious vote Republican? As the demographics change, the Supreme Court makes it possible for racists to disqualify Hispanic and African American voters. We have Fascism not Judicial temperance with this ruling all to facilitate more White electoral victories while suppressing African American and Hispanic voters. My arthritis wanted to stay up last night so around 4:00 AM me and old Art watched the Hunger Games on Netflix. The movie told of a dystopian future where young people fought to the death to provide the wealthy with entertainment. They called it "the peace" because only the combatants were fighting. Before being forced to fight the kids lived in poverty with no chance at an education. Many elements of the story could be lifted from life today. Fans of war are cheering to send our kids to die in a war in Syria that's been going on for thousands of years. Their kids won't go. Their arms industry friends will sure prosper though. For thirty years I've heard Conservative politicians talk of how the best of America is behind us, blaming labor unions for runaway costs while taking salaries 2,000 times that of the working man. Faith is shaken and huckster ministers preach a twisted selfishness having no resemblance to the teachings in the New Testament. They attack our teachers who invest more in our children than anyone in the community except parents. I have news for Conservatives. War is not security, it is war. Education is not a waste of money unless it is spent on their ignorant mind. Teachers start work at 7:00AM and get off about 8:00PM and they have health insurance and retirement. When more folks belonged to Unions, folks who didn't, earned more money. There is virtually no middle class anymore due to conservative policies and blunders. 50% of Americans live in poverty. Thirty years of Reagonomics has left the American economy in a shambles. The Hunger Games show Conservatives love of Aynn Rand values makes this more of a template than a fantasy.
The OldSheepHerder longs for the days when spies were more
like Humphrey Bogart’s character of Sam Spade in the movie The Maltese Falcon
than David Bowie in Labyrinth. Metrosexual
spies have had a bad run lately. Take
Julian Assange. The Mastermind of
Wikileaks, a tell all publication of spy gossip and classified information is
holed up in an embassy because two women charge that things got out of control and
Mr. Assange became nasty when it was just their intention of having sex with a worldwide
hero. These two gals should have talked
to sweet little Bradley Manning, finally getting a trial after rotting in jail
a couple of years. Manning fell under
Assange’s spell, delivering a cache of classified documents that could choke several
herds of horses. Julian set about
publishing the classified information, exposing Manning, while being hailed as
a hero for all his Xerox work and no risk.
Those two fame seeking Swedish gals should have taken stock of Manning’s
situation before hoping in the sack with Assange. That’s still no excuse for rape. While feeding his lust for fame and
adoration, Julian Assange hung Bradley Manning out to dry. Hmmm?
Would you go to “war” with a guy who greets you, after you’ve taken out
a machine gun nest, by shaking your hand and dropping a grenade in your
pocket? Manning got the grenade and some
pity while Assange got ill earned fame and glory. The latest boy to have come under Assange’s
spell is Edward Snowden. He’s announced
that his sole purpose in seeking employment as an NSA subcontractor was to
steal classified information. This
speaks volumes for the Republican model of “contracting out”, don’t you
think? America’s corporate media types
are enamored with Snowden. They may be
getting a decent wage, yet as professionals most of them are just shills for corporations,
presenting the news according to corporate standards and they know it. Within their sad little circle, it seems as
though they are clumsily trying to manufacture consent that Snowden’s actions
are somehow heroic. I think you can
believe that the Patriot Act savaged the America we once knew and turned it
into a quasi-Fascist state yet still understand Snowden is a self-aggrandizing
idiot. The only reason we have the
Patriot Act is that Bush was a moron, his staff were morons, and most of the
GOP Congress were morons. Like today
their focus was, “No Niggers, no vaginas, end Medicare, privatize Social
Security, and no taxes.” When they were
QUEDA TO STRIKE AT THE US WITH PLANES THEY WERE TOO STUPID TO RESPOND. They just needed a few more tools to get it
through their thick head that when the terrorists come calling it’s time to
cancel that little vacation to Crawford, the brush can wait, and go Boston on
their ass. Facts meant as little to
Republicans then as they do today.
Fearing Bush’s extreme limitations, which matched his administration and
party, and wanting to protect our country the Democrats became a party to
making the police state. Bush and the
Republicans are more of a threat to America than Al Qaeda ever was. Good intentions muddled by fear result in
horrific decisions. The police state
must be undone BUT NOT IN THE NAME OF SNOWDEN AND ASSANGE!!! Our Grandchildren should laugh at a brief
period of time when some virulent Fascists gave corporations the same rights as
human beings while excusing them concurrent responsibilities. The activist Supreme Court is dismantling
voting rights. Is it important to vote
in America? Not if you are Hispanic or
African American. How can anyone of conscious
vote Republican? As the demographics change,
the Supreme Court makes it possible for racists to disqualify Hispanic and
African American voters. Long live
Whitey!!! Half of Americans live in
poverty while paying tribute to oil companies for the last 100 year of American
history. Republican rhetoric about taxes
just doesn’t mesh with reality. You don’t
hear that on the news do you? Wealthy
corporations simply pay no taxes. Our
tax system is so complicated because it is a long gift list written by corporate
Congressmen so their sponsors don’t pay taxes.
Wealth not votes steers and determines policy. Damn reason!
Damn the future! Ignorance is
knowledge. Fetuses are people and babies
are an unwanted burden on society. You
prevent pregnancy from rape with rape kits.
You gotta admit it…George Orwell was a punk!!! But the OldSheepHerder has digressed. I guess one more thing troubles me about
Snowden. Do you think Sam Spade would
trade a life of confinement in some Ecuadorian embassy over a girlfriend that can
hang upside-down on a stripper pole?
Republicans are terrified for America (themselves) and see 2014 as a stepping stone to groom their awesome stable of candidates for President to read better and not be as personally repulsive as Mitt Romney was. It is just unacceptable to them that a woman, Hillary Clinton, should be elected after Barrack Obama (who is 1/2 African American). Republicans are fairly certain Negroes and Women are not really Americans. And besides...Benghazi! Republicans are so bent "to get to the bottom" of Benghazi, they publicly demand e-mails they are already in possession of. It could go back to their literacy problems. Maybe its just a cry out for a Democrat to read them for them. In 1995 Right wing fervor burned bright and was completely
out of control. An extended witch hunt
by Ken Starr was attempting to overturn the election of Bill Clinton was
underway. To Republicans nothing was out
of bounds. They allied themselves with
the most radical militant groups in the country to unseat the President. Then Oklahoma City happened. McVeigh perpetrated his mass murder because
he felt personally wronged by the events at Ruby Ridge and decided to extract
his pound of flesh from the government by murdering employees at the Social
Security office and their children at the day care. The most astonishing fact of this boiling
resentment is the leadership of the Right Wing applauds the heavy handed police
tactics used at Ruby Ridge that causes all this boiling resentment when it is
used against people of color or another religion. You’ll never hear anybody say, “Boy those
Right Wing guys sure have a lot of brains.”
The Right Wing is populated with people that pay homage to the
Constitution by violating it and lobbying for laws contrary to basic
Constitutional principles. Conservatives
took no responsibility to dial back their caustic rhetoric in an effort to not
incite the unstable. In fact
Conservatives have significantly INCREASED INFLAMMATORY AND INCITEFUL
RHETORIC. President Clinton handled the
tragedy like the true statesman he is.
Republicans maintained and fostered their dark alliances. The Boston Marathon was dedicated to the
victims of the Newton massacre. The
Right Wing has come to revile the victims as pawns in the gun safety debate.
The Right Wing identifies with Boston and the Founding Fathers throwing off the
shackles of tyranny. Hearing the rumblings
that a mere 10% of Americans support this extremism, and having lost the last
election decisively, the extremist can only preach fear and filibuster. What cowards. Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Mississippi voted on gun
control with the Democrats and received a poison ricin letter in the mail. Senator Carl Levin D-Michigan received a
poison ricin letter in his field office.
The President received a ricin letter.
In order to maintain our sense of objectivity should we gather up some
Saudi and Al Qaeda suspects? The
attempted poisonings with ricin have Right Wing fingerprints all over
them. The Boston bombing has been
impeded by NRA obstruction of putting a simple marker in black powder, making
its origin traceable when it is used in bombs like Boston. The entire Republican Party and its most
visible politicians, commentators, media outlets, and organizations have been
organized FOR THE LAST 15 YEARS in a manner that produces VIOLENT LONE WOLF
second amendment solutions, assassination, secession, and street violence are
so common with Republican politicians and on right wing media that the nation
has become numb to this violent talk and threats. These kinds of threats and actions are not
Free Speech. These are acts of sedition. They are the actions of an insurgent movement
bent on destabilizing our economy, our security, and our common welfare. If Conservatives truly cared for the futures
of children, they would consider the consequences of their harsh treatment of
Gay Parents and how that harsh treatment affects their children. Holding a Bible in one hand doesn't give one
God like prerogatives to mistreat people.
The same political constituency righteously sited their rights to own
slaves in the Bible. Corporations employ
these zealots for their purposes by feeding them cash. The complete absence of any review or
reflection on their hate filled position is shocking. When all else fails it’s time to pound the
impeachment drum to deny Americans of their elected government. Their world view won't change but they will
feel even more threatened after their prejudice is no longer codified in law. We see Conservative Legislatures attempting
to establish State Religion. We see them
establishing “personhood” amendments for clusters of cells while eliminating
food, housing, and medical welfare for living children. We see them openly and repeatedly disputing
that rape is even traumatic or serious criminal offense. We see them celebrating guns in the aftermath
of 26 people being blown to pieces by a madman that they are opposed to putting
through a background check. We see the
GOP base accepting a twisted version of reality without ever questioning it or
checking out its authenticity. I'm
hoping an amendment is offered during the second go around with the gun safety
debate placing heavy sanctions on the level of a trillion dollars, for every
mental health incitement, frivolous and unfounded call to arms, slanderous and
false statements to advance political agendas, and assassination incitement.
Canada prohibits the broadcast of "news" which is mostly false. Each of us will have different
interests. It's important to respect each
other’s rights, negotiate in good faith and by reaching political compromise,
some of our interests are met and we all can enjoy some progress. If you poison the well by refusing to
compromise, by refusing to talk, by refusing to negotiate in good faith then
girder these unreasonable positions by seeking to aggressively limit other citizens’
rights, you aren't a participant in Democracy, you're an insurgent. The underpinning of contemporary
Conservationism is Fascism. Conservatives define their rights and freedoms as
the right to oppress and steal other’s liberty as they chose. I just don't see
that in the Constitution. What Conservatives want is a western version of
Somalia. Congratulations to Georgia
Governor Nathan Deal for refusing to surrender during the Civil War. It's 2013
and Republicans still regard kids having a racially integrated prom in the old
hateful context of "race mixing" and call it a Leftist idea. It is a
Ku Klux Klan idea that the prom was still segregated. You know...the guys that
lynch African Americans for having eye contact with them and for not stepping
off the side walk when their White superiors pass. Each member of the school
board, the superintendent, and every state official should be sued personally
out of their personnel pockets not public funds for perpetuating this bull
shit. When the government entity is sued, the taxpayers pay and it’s no skin
off the bigot’s ass. They should be held personally accountable. Compulsive liar and budding megalomaniac,
Rand Paul spoke at Howard University, an African American University, and
condescended to the students in a way that only a hack deluded hillbilly chiropractic
optometrist could. He asked the students if they were aware that Republicans
were the anti-slavery party. Emphasis on WERE. It seems the penile
penetration/ejaculation argument that is central to defining marriage took a
shit when Justice Kagan asked attorneys if it was within the parameters of the
rights of the state to deny marriage licenses to couples over 55 as they will
not produce children. The lawyer evaded the direct question claiming instead
the couple was fertile. It had to be explained to him that couples over 55
produce no children. The courtroom erupted in laughter. Even Scalia laughed at
him. What is it about the birds and bees and these yahoos? Sadly, it has come to my attention that just
like the Post Office, The Pentagon ran a deficit last year. The proportion of
that deficit ran up by the Post Office pales in comparison to the deficit ran
up by the Pentagon making it an urgent mandate that we de-fund the Pentagon.
Next up...requiring Wall Street to capitalize the annual bloated salaries of
their CEO's for the next 75 years at the nearest credit union. We are now in a prolonged skewered era of our
tax system where poor and middle class people pay direct supports to a minority
of wealthy people and corporations as they plunder our shared resources and
ship jobs overseas to Communist countries and Third World Countries paying
slave labor wages. At every attempt to reform this corruption, Republicans
obstruct and even lobby to enhance this newer form of slavery. Private profits
and shared risks are the guiding principles of the GOP. One thing is for sure. People don't seem to
be getting a lot smarter. When I hear people lionize Reagan, I just shake my
head. If "Morning in America" is paying 18% on bank loans and 22% on
credit card interest, you got a hell of a lot more disposable cash than I do.
Through the Nixon/Ford (second term) stories of long bread lines and short
supplies came out of the Soviet Union. These stories multiplied during the
Carter administration compounded by the USSR's invasion and occupation of
Afghanistan. As the USSR failed to provide domestically, their Imperial designs
crumbled, spelling the end of the USSR. I call him "Right Time, Right
Place Ronnie." Republicans claim he defeated the greatest communist empire
on the planet. I gotta take exception to that claim. His party invested in the
greatest communist empire on the planet. Ask Mitt. The unelected corporate interests that
control the Republican Party have no interest in the civil wellbeing of our
nation. Their one and only interest is
profit. They distort and manipulate
every issue through that perspective.
TheOldSheepHerder has a suggestion for lobbying the cowards in
Washington. Ask them if they are going
to stand with the American people or the home grown terrorists like the Boston
bombers, the ricin mailer, the gun manufacturers, or other American insurgents. Remember that these mounting numbers of acts
of domestic terrorism are going to be great for automatic weapons sales and big
Do you ever get the impression that defecating on the
American Apple pie is the Republican strategy and platform? The GOP leadership has admitted there is no
debt crisis yet continues their war on the citizens of this country. We have paid our tribute to the wealthy now
it is time they pay their fair share of taxes and relinquish their preferential
treatment in the tax code. I have a
proposition that may seem a bit radical but I do wish that you would consider
it. Working people are being enslaved by
corporations and the current tax structure. We the people support the rich with
tax subsidies and tax write offs. We
want to move away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy but Conservative
politicians have structured tax policy in such a way that we have little money
to invest in alternative energy. We want
to preserve the environment but that ideal of rapidly expanding green energy
crimps the Koch brothers’ accumulation of unusable wealth and our payments to
them. States gerrymandered districts
have make it nearly impossible to vote in Democrats. More people voted for Democratic candidates
yet the GOP still holds the House in this rigged game. The GOP even went to great lengths to
suppress the Democratic vote. We see the
corporately sponsored and paid for Supreme Court Conservative Justices taking
retaliatory action against the Democratic coalition of voters that said the
wealthy should pay their fair share by ending the Voting Rights Act. In these very urgent times, the best the
Republican Party has been able to come up with is a strategy of disciplined
stupidity, by letting the Sequester cuts take place and filibustering last
minute Democratic solutions. They are
after all, the paid obstructionists of Wall Street and the Extremists. The Progressive Caucus can make a gesture
which by its very name change will articulate the positions of the Progressive
Caucus and define the opposition to these changes for what they are. I suggest that the Progressive Caucus change
their name to the “Progressive Abolition Caucus”, standing against corporate
enslavement in the tax code, in the environment, at the voting booth, in the
clinic, in the work place, in our schools, and every other place corporations
have usurped human priorities in the interest of accumulating unusable
wealth. The Confederatization of
politics must be beaten and shamed so no fantasy of the South Rising Again can
be sold to home grown insurgents who would and have torn our country apart. Insurgency, Secession, and the dismantling of
social safety net programs and support of the decay of infrastructure in
deference to making our subsidy payments to millionaires, billionaires, and
highly profitable large corporations can’t be mistaken for politics as usual
but defined as the crippling national economic enslavement that it is. Its way past time we articulate our message
in an “us against them manner.” It’s
taken 16 years for the idea to get out there that supply side economics doesn’t
work. A simple message is a more
effective message. Having a pointed
message which is repeated every time you speak to the American people and is
reflected in the name of your Caucus’ name would go a long way to adding
clarity to what can be confusing for voters to grasp. Corporate enslavement isn’t working out for
America. It’s corrosive to our laws and
institutions and is the primary corrupting influence in our government. If citizens that fear public transit and
drive a car as a result can’t write off that expense as a “security” measure,
corporations should not be able to write off jets for security purposes. America is NOT a catered luncheon. Waiting the Republicans out is not good
enough. We need a national coordinated
effort to say the Democrats will no longer tolerate corporate enslavement of
their constituents. For every tax loop
hole banks, corporations, and Wall Street enjoys, the Democrats need to counter
with a mirrored tax break for poor and working people. Grover’s gang will oppose these and this will
expose them further to their constituents.
Instead of showing Norquist opposes tax cuts for working people a couple
times, the point could be driven home for 2014.
If it’s not good for the goose it’s not good for the gander. The GOP assaults the public with shocking
proposals and calls them necessary and patriotic. Democrats need to do more than just simply counter
this nonsense and brain washing of the public.
We need to wage an all-out assault.
Nobody can afford to be a dignified man in a suit from Washington. In America, those men do not exist. If you are not marching behind the likes of
Elizabeth Warren, announce your retirement.
We need leadership from the Progressive Caucus with a short message,
that people are rallying around, have staying power, are truthful, represent
our values, and can serve as a legislative foundation. With his flaccid leadership on filibuster
reform and near desertion on gun safety legislation, Harry Reid has shown he is
tailored to lead the Blue Dog Caucus not Senate Majority Leader. The President needs to stop fretting about
getting “his homework done” and stop offering up things like chained CPI. That’s like telling Granny she can get a new
wheel chair…right after you amputate her legs.
What is the threshold where pursuit of personnel political
objectives becomes a dereliction of ones responsibilities as a voter or a
legislator? What is the threshold where
defying the will of the majority becomes the systematic plan to overthrow
representative Democracy by making it dysfunctional? Is it patriotic to stand on the freeway and
obstruct traffic because you have an opinion that traffic should move the other
way? This is how Republicans use the
filibuster. When the consensus is to
move one way, Republicans submit a letter which starts a filibuster on the
matter and stops the discussion, or traffic.
The 112th Congress has used the filibuster more than any
Congress in American history. They have
denied the Administration appointments to the Courts, thereby disabling our
court system by blocking appointments at a historically highest rate. Law and order Republicans? By having a full complement of judges on the
bench, the Department of Justice would be better able to deal with the back log
of Wall Street thieves from 2008. These
guys contribute heavily to the Republican Party and expect NO PROSECUTION. The bench is about half filled. The Republicans are for Law and Order like
Stalin and Hitler were Human Rights Activists! Voters that continue to support this party are
acknowledging broad disagreement with established civil law relating to voting
rights, racial equality, women’s rights, health care, Social Security,
Medicare, Medicaid, and public education.
Republicans will continue to filibuster to dismantle these institutions
that underpin our society while lobbying for the super-rich and corporations
that often pay minimum wage if they are based in this country at all. Sedition is defined as: 1. speech or behaviour directed against the
peace of a state 2. an offence that
tends to undermine the authority of a state
3. an incitement to public disorder.
If you’ve heard Louie Gomhert, Michelle Bachmann, Peter King or any of
the Tea Party office holders speak, they don’t criticize our government, they
attack it with slander and lies and never apologize when proven wrong, are
never punished by the Republican Party for their inflammatory remarks and the
consequence is that their lies spreads like a cancer in our country THEY CLAIM
TO LOVE SO MUCH. Ill informed voters,
repeating the lies, becoming enraged and hateful. Spreading sedition has become the national
sport of the Republican Party. There are
still idiots that are so filled with hate from the GOP and their upbringing;
they think Obama is a foreigner. Just to
counter all the voter suppression mischief, Democratic districts should require
Republican voters to identify Obama’s birth place! Seriously, with all the turmoil of the last
twelve years, we often hear America being compared to Rome. The only Empire that is crumbling is the
Republican Party. Rome depended on loyal
and ignorant peasants blindly supporting the blood thirsty Emperor against
their own interests. Right now the Tea
Party is in the process of eating their own.
We learned as children, how much a simple statement can become distorted
in the game of telephone, whispering into the ear of the person next to you,
until the message had been delivered to the first person who said it. When you start out with a lie as the
Republicans and Fox News do, the end message is hyper virulent and toxic. This is by design. Their Super Pacs, this election cycle, proved
to be a complete fraud. Sara Palin’s is
her own personnel checking account. Dick
Armey tried to get control of his with an armed guard. Dick Morris’s Super Pac was modeled after a
pyramid scheme. Morris sold
contributor’s information to other contributors and kept all the money for
himself, using none of it for political activity. The
scams don’t quit. What would you expect
from a party whose “coalition” is built through lies? There is a sort of Stockholm Syndrome
relationship with the GOP and its base.
There are three big threats to our economy. The first is the GOP base. In
spite of all available facts and against their own interests they keep voting
Republican. The second threat is
conservative media which scrupulously avoids the facts in order to brain wash
the base into this bizarre value system of worshipping rich people and loathing
their peers while calling themselves Christian.
The third threat is the seditious Republican legislators who crashed the
economy and have done everything possible to gum up the gears of government to
prevent economic recovery. The
Republicans use the power of their offices to spread slander, lies, fantasy,
hate speech, throw tantrums, avoid work altogether, and even refuse to raise
the debt ceiling on spending that they had authorized, reducing our credit
rating, and inflicting increased costs on the taxpayers with the ensuing higher
interests rates paid on our debt. When
you think about it, Conservatives from all quarters have express such contempt
for government that it has turned into a mission of destruction of our
government. Obama’s re-election was met
with calls for secession from the Fox News masses. All the hate speech had done its work. All the slander had done its work. These ignorant masses, the highest
demographic of American citizens on Social Security Disability and Medicare
along with their neighbors who had received multiple income tax reductions from
the administration would not be governed by this Nigger President another four
years. The most conservative member of
the Supreme Court, Anthony Scalia, has addressed the issue of secession,
defining it as illegal and foolish. The
aptitude of Republicans for governing our nation was revisited again when John
Boehner couldn’t get enough votes to bring his Plan B Bill to the floor because
many in his party felt it wasn’t worshipful enough to the super-rich. Boehner said the serenity prayer to rally
them and when they didn’t rally he adjourned the House, hit the Bar, and
basically said fuck it, let Harry Reid and the Senate deal with this shit
because I’m going home. Now that’s what
I call leadership! At least everybody
that keeps up with politics that knows about AA got a good laugh. The deep and abiding common factors in the
Republican psyche are that only they should benefit from tax dollars while
resisting every penny in taxes paid.
This narcissistic world view impedes intellectual and spiritual
growth. The Republicans had planned on
electing Romney and robbing working people on a grand scale to “address the
fiscal cliff.” That didn’t happen. They
had a year to plan and they can’t adjust.
The dictionary calls that maladjusted.
They refuse to acknowledge the outcome of the election. All the voter suppression favored their
candidate. All the voter fraud was
perpetrated by them or their agents. Having
the grace of Al Gore, even though he won the popular vote, is beyond the
capabilities of the Republican Party.
Republicans are incapable of putting their country first. Typically Republicans expect civil treatment
from the community at large but feel no obligation to conduct themselves that
way. Their rigid ideology precludes them
from government service. Demanding that
an entire nation adapt to meet the perceived needs of a small percentage of the
super-rich who need accountants to apprise them of the level of their wealth is
tragic. Where in World history has
indulging the excesses of the wealthy benefitted a nation? History is clear. It is admirable and desirable to
prosper. At a point that these goals
become all consuming, you have admitted failure and are stealing from normal community
obligations. When your community has
crumbled, where will you prosper?
President Obama knows that Congress controls the purse strings. He also knows that Federal unemployment benefits
have expired. Making this deal ensures
people can buy groceries. If this is
what makes him a Kenyan Mau Mau, then sign me up.
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