Mitt Gets Exposed in Second Debate

How about that?   The OldSheepHerder got the grand tour of Romney’s “mysterious mansion” the other night at the second debate.  We got to see just what was inside this man’s head, what he values, and his depth of knowledge.  Greed, Greed, and more Greed.  His “plans” were a sham, a thin cover for an avalanche of lies to obscure what he has promised the GOP he will do when he assumes office.  Dismantle Medicare, end Social Security, stop “Obamacare”, more and bigger tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations, rollback all environmental regulation changing the chemical composition of the water we drink and the air we breathe, shredding the social safety net, public education, Medicaid, destroy Unions, and reduce women and minorities to a sort of cattle status where decision making and voting is highly restricted in their classes.  While taking advantage of these institutions and programs, the conservative base is conditioned to have a baseless hatred of all of these things in spite of the personal benefits which they reap from them.  I hate to brag, but I got sheep with keener perceptions than these guys.  Even his most extreme supporters are tolerating his moderated positions, knowing he has to mislead a lot of people to get elected.  How has Romney prepared for the most important elected office in our country?  He has hired 17 of George Bush’s former staff members as his advisers.  Romney claims it’s time for change by consulting with the staff that crashed the economy and left our diplomatic reputation in shambles.  We can tell from his remarks in the debate about Benghazi that Romney is devoid of all intellectual curiosity.  “The 17” read in their Reich wing blogs that Obama did not define the attacks in Libya as terrorism.  Romney was wrong.  The bloggers were just small time racists, telling lies to slander Obama in order to give Romney an advantage.  It isn't just pathetic that Mittens marched right into, and was devastated by a Republican slander it’s shameful he accepted as fact from these failed Bush advisers that Obama did not define the incident as terrorism.  He brags about what an astute business man he is, yet with the Presidency at stake, makes a fool of himself repeating a GOP racist blog.  Mitt Romney is not a business man in the classic sense.  He is a vulture capitalist who is wholly incapable of assimilating a broad range of facts and making a decision.  Romney only speaks spreadsheet to his benefit.  He is a completely awkward man.  He is devoid of social skills and charisma.  When you add his compulsive lying, condescending manner and bald faced ambition along with his stupidity, greed, and selfishness you might have the perfect Republican Presidential Candidate but you sure as hell don’t have anything close to a person with leadership qualities.