What is the threshold where pursuit of personnel political objectives becomes a dereliction of ones responsibilities as a voter or a legislator?  What is the threshold where defying the will of the majority becomes the systematic plan to overthrow representative Democracy by making it dysfunctional?  Is it patriotic to stand on the freeway and obstruct traffic because you have an opinion that traffic should move the other way?  This is how Republicans use the filibuster.  When the consensus is to move one way, Republicans submit a letter which starts a filibuster on the matter and stops the discussion, or traffic.  The 112th Congress has used the filibuster more than any Congress in American history.  They have denied the Administration appointments to the Courts, thereby disabling our court system by blocking appointments at a historically highest rate.  Law and order Republicans?  By having a full complement of judges on the bench, the Department of Justice would be better able to deal with the back log of Wall Street thieves from 2008.  These guys contribute heavily to the Republican Party and expect NO PROSECUTION.  The bench is about half filled.  The Republicans are for Law and Order like Stalin and Hitler were Human Rights Activists!  Voters that continue to support this party are acknowledging broad disagreement with established civil law relating to voting rights, racial equality, women’s rights, health care, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and public education.  Republicans will continue to filibuster to dismantle these institutions that underpin our society while lobbying for the super-rich and corporations that often pay minimum wage if they are based in this country at all.  Sedition is defined as:  1. speech or behaviour directed against the peace of a state  2. an offence that tends to undermine the authority of a state  3. an incitement to public disorder.  If you’ve heard Louie Gomhert, Michelle Bachmann, Peter King or any of the Tea Party office holders speak, they don’t criticize our government, they attack it with slander and lies and never apologize when proven wrong, are never punished by the Republican Party for their inflammatory remarks and the consequence is that their lies spreads like a cancer in our country THEY CLAIM TO LOVE SO MUCH.  Ill informed voters, repeating the lies, becoming enraged and hateful.  Spreading sedition has become the national sport of the Republican Party.  There are still idiots that are so filled with hate from the GOP and their upbringing; they think Obama is a foreigner.  Just to counter all the voter suppression mischief, Democratic districts should require Republican voters to identify Obama’s birth place!  Seriously, with all the turmoil of the last twelve years, we often hear America being compared to Rome.  The only Empire that is crumbling is the Republican Party.  Rome depended on loyal and ignorant peasants blindly supporting the blood thirsty Emperor against their own interests.  Right now the Tea Party is in the process of eating their own.  We learned as children, how much a simple statement can become distorted in the game of telephone, whispering into the ear of the person next to you, until the message had been delivered to the first person who said it.  When you start out with a lie as the Republicans and Fox News do, the end message is hyper virulent and toxic.  This is by design.  Their Super Pacs, this election cycle, proved to be a complete fraud.  Sara Palin’s is her own personnel checking account.  Dick Armey tried to get control of his with an armed guard.  Dick Morris’s Super Pac was modeled after a pyramid scheme.  Morris sold contributor’s information to other contributors and kept all the money for himself, using none of it for political activity.    The scams don’t quit.  What would you expect from a party whose “coalition” is built through lies?  There is a sort of Stockholm Syndrome relationship with the GOP and its base.  There are three big threats to our economy.  The first is the GOP base.   In spite of all available facts and against their own interests they keep voting Republican.  The second threat is conservative media which scrupulously avoids the facts in order to brain wash the base into this bizarre value system of worshipping rich people and loathing their peers while calling themselves Christian.  The third threat is the seditious Republican legislators who crashed the economy and have done everything possible to gum up the gears of government to prevent economic recovery.  The Republicans use the power of their offices to spread slander, lies, fantasy, hate speech, throw tantrums, avoid work altogether, and even refuse to raise the debt ceiling on spending that they had authorized, reducing our credit rating, and inflicting increased costs on the taxpayers with the ensuing higher interests rates paid on our debt.  When you think about it, Conservatives from all quarters have express such contempt for government that it has turned into a mission of destruction of our government.  Obama’s re-election was met with calls for secession from the Fox News masses.  All the hate speech had done its work.  All the slander had done its work.  These ignorant masses, the highest demographic of American citizens on Social Security Disability and Medicare along with their neighbors who had received multiple income tax reductions from the administration would not be governed by this Nigger President another four years.  The most conservative member of the Supreme Court, Anthony Scalia, has addressed the issue of secession, defining it as illegal and foolish.  The aptitude of Republicans for governing our nation was revisited again when John Boehner couldn’t get enough votes to bring his Plan B Bill to the floor because many in his party felt it wasn’t worshipful enough to the super-rich.  Boehner said the serenity prayer to rally them and when they didn’t rally he adjourned the House, hit the Bar, and basically said fuck it, let Harry Reid and the Senate deal with this shit because I’m going home.  Now that’s what I call leadership!  At least everybody that keeps up with politics that knows about AA got a good laugh.  The deep and abiding common factors in the Republican psyche are that only they should benefit from tax dollars while resisting every penny in taxes paid.  This narcissistic world view impedes intellectual and spiritual growth.  The Republicans had planned on electing Romney and robbing working people on a grand scale to “address the fiscal cliff.”  That didn’t happen. They had a year to plan and they can’t adjust.  The dictionary calls that maladjusted.  They refuse to acknowledge the outcome of the election.  All the voter suppression favored their candidate.  All the voter fraud was perpetrated by them or their agents.  Having the grace of Al Gore, even though he won the popular vote, is beyond the capabilities of the Republican Party.  Republicans are incapable of putting their country first.  Typically Republicans expect civil treatment from the community at large but feel no obligation to conduct themselves that way.  Their rigid ideology precludes them from government service.  Demanding that an entire nation adapt to meet the perceived needs of a small percentage of the super-rich who need accountants to apprise them of the level of their wealth is tragic.  Where in World history has indulging the excesses of the wealthy benefitted a nation?  History is clear.  It is admirable and desirable to prosper.  At a point that these goals become all consuming, you have admitted failure and are stealing from normal community obligations.  When your community has crumbled, where will you prosper?  President Obama knows that Congress controls the purse strings.  He also knows that Federal unemployment benefits have expired.  Making this deal ensures people can buy groceries.  If this is what makes him a Kenyan Mau Mau, then sign me up.