Round Two

As TheOldSheepHerder surveys the pasture as the fog hangs over the pasture after the election, a few things are clear.  If you had some idea that the day after the election, the sun would rise, there would be a clear and authoritative course ahead and voices of dissention would be moderated you were mistaken but not nearly as off base as old Turd Blossom, Karl Rove.  The Big Spenders Club is irritated with Karl for frittering their money away on the “South Will Rise Again” strategy to win a Presidential election.  There aren’t that many old angry white guys, and even fewer Confederates.  The majority of Americans supported governance according to our Constitutional traditions and rejected heavy handed big government Republican initiatives that interfered with people’s lives and cost money.  American’s are experiencing a crushing burden exploding property taxes in a soft real estate market.  We hear a lot of bragging from the GOP how they have held down taxes.  This lie is described by each of our tax statements arising out of the last legislative session controlled by Republicans.  Destroy my homes value through your recklessness, then heap huge tax increases on my home and tell me how you never taxed me.  President Obama reduced my income taxes to help me pay for my increased property taxes courtesy of the GOP.  The best description I heard of the GOP this year was that they are not a Political Party but a mental illness.  I think it may be helpful for activists to keep this perspective.  We can get a whole lot less crazy in Minnesota if we make getting rid of Bachmann as big a priority as the Take Down Cravaack effort was.  Graves was close.  In two years, with a lot more grass roots cash, who needs an extra $70.00 anyway, we can send Bachmann back to the seventies where you can get patted down for talking like she does.  In two years the mid-terms will see a shit storm of pay back from corporate America.  The Chamber of Commerce is pissed that it lost and it’s coming after you.  Democrats must have a strategy of focusing on 30 extreme House of Representative incumbents for defeat.  A focused strategy will keep the GOP playing defense and continue Democratic gains.  There would be many in that House that would be running when the new Democratic nominee for President runs in 2016.  Taking thirty seats in 2014 would give Democrats a slim majority.  Having all three branches of government would vastly accelerate the rate change that could be effected.  Minnesota State government went all blue.  The Democrats were gracious in victory, pledging to work with Republicans.  In defeat, the Republicans were bitter, mean spirited, and as rigid and partisan as ever.  What a fine example they make for their children.  Just imagine if they were Gay.  The cancerous effects of the right wing media machine are terrifying in our society and how it affected this election.  The reason conservatives complain about Liberal Media bias is that it is a strategy for covering up a decade’s long conservative take-over of media.  Ronald Reagan fast tracked Rupert Murdock’s citizenship so he could own American media.  He turned the news into a version of the “National Enquirer” with a right wing message to it.  A conservative judge ruled that Fox News did not have to tell the truth in its news broadcasts in an FCC ruling.  Republicans have used this media to spread fear, dissention, anxiety, and most of all volumes of lies and slander.  It is a cynical brainwashing tool.  Fox News doesn’t even resemble a program about a News show.  Nearly half of the Nation gets all its news from the same media source that would have you believe that Hillary left Bill for Bigfoot.  Perhaps a court challenge could reverse this ruling and enable Americans to ban false broadcasts of news as Canada did.  Exposing children to Fox News costs taxpayers money.  Studies have shown that people who watch Fox News know less about current events than people who watch no news.  Remedial education in public schools is skyrocketing.  After Hurricane Sandy a simple organizing strategy revealed itself.  The GOP base is so filled with hate that when Chris Christie did his job rather than grand stand, the base hated him.  He committed the unforgiveable sin of being polite to the President.  He thanked the President, who happened to be doing his job too.  They posed for pictures and talked to people devastated by the storm, offering encouragement.  Each of them were executives in charge of large civil relief efforts.  They just don’t do anything remotely like this in the private sector and never will.  I think the most reviled Democrats should speak in the most glowing and personal terms of every high ranking GOP official there is.  How would the base react to hearing Barney Frank describe Jim DeMint as a delightful man, a cherished colleague, or a loyal public servant?  Jim DeMint’s base would know that he and Barney Frank had consummated a personal relationship.  The Republicans have poured gas all over themselves, the least we can do is strike a match.  That bell you heard ringing my friend?  That was just the end of round two.